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The next generation of cycle touring

Bikepacking is a term that has grown significantly in recent years. Whether you prefer to call it randonneuring, adventure cycling, audax or just plain old cycle touring, it’s safe to say it’s nothing new. History shows us inspiring images of rugged men with sparsely laden steel bicycles crossing barren wilderness. More than 100 years later, just how much have things changed?

Bikepacking in Australia, 100 years ago

Bikepacking has been in our blood for decades; it wasn’t called that back then, but it was why we bought bikes. To head out into the wilderness of Wales; gradually honing those skills of carrying just enough to be comfortable. To not be laden with excess gear that slows you down and detracts from the pleasures of the journey.

Back in 2010, Wildcat Gear was born out of ideas and designs to make bikepacking luggage better and more available in the UK. We focused especially on gear that was up to the  rigours of UK riding, be that road or off road. The more off road for us the better.

Wildcat Gear Bikepacking Setup

We needed to satisfy our desire to takes bikes places where  traditional rack and panniers wouldn’t go. Breathing innovation into these simple concepts of 100 years ago lead to some fantastic designs that have shaped the way we use bike luggage today.

We’re really proud that all the gear on this site is made in Britain. However far you ride, we can equip you with some of the finest modern bikepacking luggage available today. We’ve used the space around the bike strategically to maximise versatility and maintain even weight distribution to preserve predictable handling. All this combines to maximise the ride quality and your enjoyment, wherever you ride.

Ride far, ride free
